
Tioga is a fictional clothing line intended for those aged 25-55.

This is an image 
			of a push pin map icon that contains a price tag icon. There are two rectangular tags in this image. Both of them have a hole 
			in them towards the top, as well as a piece of rope going through said
			The tag on the left has an off-white background. On top of that, there are
			a few, curvy, dark brown lines on top of the off-white rectangle. In the middle
			is a sideways version of Tioga's logo. 
			On the tag mockup that's to the right is the following text: Accessible outdoor
			living. Tioga is a company dedicated to providing their consumers with
			readily available garments designed for the outdoors. We design articles 
			of clothing ranging from ones suited to heat waves to ones fit for a 
			Accessible outdoor living. is in a bolder font compared to the rest of the text.
			All of the text is dark brown in color. 
			The background is the same greenish color Tioga's logo has, only instead of having many,
			brown curvy lines, there's only a few curvy lines, and while they're still brown, they're
			at a lower opacity compared to others.

Tioga tag
(Exposition tag)

This is an image 
			of a push pin map icon that contains a price tag icon. There are two rectangular tags in this image. Both of them have a hole 
			in them towards the top, as well as a piece of rope going through said
			hole. Unlike the previous tags, these ones are much skinnier. 
			The tag image on the left consists of Tioga's logo. 			
			The back side of the tag (Or the tag image located to the 
			 right of this image) reads: Size L | 19.99

Tioga tag
(Price tag)